Friday, November 1, 2013

I had an epiphany yesterday. Amid an outrageous headache and 12 hours of fouled stomach caused by the massive consumption of a beautiful poison, whiskey, I decided to write a blog.
I've spent the majority of the few weeks in an apathetic state that would make Garfield look like an overachiever. You may have guessed that above average consumption of alcohol has accompanied this apathy. You would be correct. But, the Days of Apathy are coming to an end. I can no longer afford to sit on my talents and skills. Literally. I'm running out of money. Though there is the element of self preservation and the need to generate forward momentum in my life. Or any momentum at all, really.
Apathy is a bitch. Not one of my favorite monsters. I'll be playing Munchins tonight, so... there may be a few references. I killed the anger monster, lvl 9. It had it's own energy. You can do something with that energy like a kung fu master, lvl 13, uses the attacks of his opponent against him. I have stopped saying EVERYTHING that pops into my tiny little brain. The verbal diarrhea monster, sleeper lvl 21, took a bit longer to defeat, but after sucking the blood from your tongue after you've, once again, bit the fuck out of it, you. just. stop. biting. it. and. shut.up.
Apathy is different. Apathy possesses no inertia. It is a bit like my understanding of black hole. It sucks. Everything. It sucks starships, stars, other black holes, stardust,  planets, comets... you get the picture. You don't want to do anything. It is way to easy to lay waste to days on end playing Civilization and watching Two and a Half Men episode after episode and episo.... yeah.
The end is nigh. I would have been ok if this event was not welcomed by the last few American dollars exiting my accounts at high speed. Sometimes a $20 bottle of whiskey is a good expenditure. If it provides you the impotence to get off your ass and start moving, it's worth it. It's a shame the headache and nausea must accompany it. That does detract from the value a bit, but it's still worth it.
So today it begins. I need to equip myself to tackle the next monster to come along. I don't know which it will be, but if I had to guess, it will be a social monstrosity. Best of luck to me.
Fair Winds and Following Seas.


  1. Best of luck to you. Can't wait to see what awesomeness (lvl ???) you unearth. :)

  2. Lvl 89. Not quite to those triple digits. Maybe next year.
